Quad LFO – Model 1250

The SSL 1250 Quad LFO combines four dual waveform (sine/square) low frequency oscillators in one convenient 1 MU module. Why tie up four expensive double width VCO modules if all you need are simple vibratos, trills, slowly morphing timbres or repeating gate sources? Give your synth slow subtile variations or wild cacophonous modulations at lost cost and all within a single module width.


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The SSL 1250 Quad LFO combines four dual waveform (sine/square) low frequency oscillators in one convenient 1 MU module. Why tie up four expensive double width VCO modules if all you need are simple vibratos, trills, slowly morphing timbres or repeating gate sources? Give your synth slow subtile variations or wild cacophonous modulations at lost cost and all within a single module width.